Balcony Garden in Florida

Do you love plants, but don't have a yard? If you have a balcony or patio area, you can grow a beautiful container garden. The key is to select plants that will grow well in the conditions you have and respect their needs.

Monday, March 1, 2010

You can't always get what you want. Coming to terms with reality.

Have you ever purchased a beautiful plant, gave it water and love only to watch it wither and die?  I know I have.  Such experiences may have led you to believe that you don't have a "green thumb."  The good news is that this is absolutely not true.  Your thumb is just as green as anyone's.  The bad news is that in the words of Mick Jagger:  "You can't always get what you want."

If you live in Maine and attempt to grow a coconut palm on your balcony, it will certainly end in frustration and defeat.  Certain plants simply grow better in certain regions.  The first step in planning your container garden is to determine what types of plants are well suited to your region. 

The National Gardening Association has a helpful map on their website which can tell you which Gardening Zone you are located in.  North America is divided into 11 gardening zones.  Once you know your gardening zone it will be much easier for you to select plants that are native to your zone.  Visit this link and type in your zip code to find your zone. Find my Garden Zone.

As you drive around your neighborhood, begin to notice the landscaping around businesses and homes.  You'll see the same types of plants again and again, because these grow well in your area.  Notice which plants grow well in sunny areas and which grow better in shady areas.

I live in South Florida and my Garden Zone is 10.  I began Googling "Zone 10 Plants" to find out what types of plants grow in my area.  Many of the plants I wanted to grow were not in the zone 10 region, but to continue the Rolling Stones metaphor... "...if you try sometimes, you just might find. You get what you need."  I was looking for color and I have my eye on a couple of bougainvilla that I know will brighten up my balcony.


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