Balcony Garden in Florida

Do you love plants, but don't have a yard? If you have a balcony or patio area, you can grow a beautiful container garden. The key is to select plants that will grow well in the conditions you have and respect their needs.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Two new bougainvillea for the balcony

I've recently acquired two new bougainvillea plants from the local garden center.  I have seen these colorful Brazilian vines all over South Florida.  The come in a variety of colors including red, magenta, lavender and purple.  I've chosen a purple variety called New River.  They seem to do well in the scorching Florida sun, which can be too harsh for many full sun plants.  They can be trained to grow up a trellis or climb walls and are very beautiful.

Upon bringing them home, I re-potted them in 16" coconut husk containers for drainage.  I then placed these in some decorative planters to elevate them.  I potted them using Scott's garden soil.  I am not sure if this is the best soil for them.  I have read that the roots are drought tolerant and like well draining soil.  I also purchased some bougainvillea fertilizer which I plan to feed them monthly.  The fertilizer is designed especially for bougainvillea and is intended to improve flowering. 

I have been told that bougainvillea don't like changes.  I am concerned because they have been through a lot of changes.  I changed their environment and re-potted them immediately.  It may have been better to let them adjust to their new home before re-potting them.  I will remember this lesson next time.  Along with the rest of the country, Florida has had some unseasonably cold nights in the last few weeks.  We have had temperatures reaching in the mid-forties for the past few nights with the threat of frost.  Bougainvillea are hardy enough to take these temperatures; but they have been dropping leaves, which is a sign of stress.  Hopefully they will recover and adjust to their new home.


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