Balcony Garden in Florida

Do you love plants, but don't have a yard? If you have a balcony or patio area, you can grow a beautiful container garden. The key is to select plants that will grow well in the conditions you have and respect their needs.

Monday, March 8, 2010

A Gift from a Day Hike...Heart Leaf Philodendren

As I was hiking through the woods, I noticed an old friend under a large oak tree.  A Heart Leaf Philodendren stretched for yards under the shade of a tree canopy.  One of the most common houseplants, Philodendren are native to America.  This particular variety is often found in humid tropical forests.  The plant I found is likely a Florida native.    
These leafy vines are prolific in the right conditions and can be grown from cuttings.  I chose a small strand and brought it home to see if I could start a healthy plant from a small vine.  This is a great house plant, because they thrive in low to medium light conditions.  This makes it a challenge for my sunny balcony.  I will either have to find a shady spot or bring it in the house.  If it takes root, I plan to repot it in a hanging planter with flowing vines over the sides.  With one small vine and a lot of hope, I decided to try to root it in a small pot and grow the single vine around a stake.
I have set my sites on another variety of ivy I've often seen on my hikes.  I won't reveal the name of the second variety, but here's a clue.  The color would be a great compliment to my New River Bougainvilla.


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