Balcony Garden in Florida

Do you love plants, but don't have a yard? If you have a balcony or patio area, you can grow a beautiful container garden. The key is to select plants that will grow well in the conditions you have and respect their needs.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Starting New Plants in a Hydroponic Nursery

Buying live plants can be expensive and carry pests into your garden.   Growing new plants directly from seed can be challenging.  A hydroponic nursery is an excellent solution.  The AeroGarden has a starter plant try, which allows you to germinate 66 seeds into tiny plants.  Once the seeds have germinated and grown into small plants their chances of survival increase substantially and they are ready for growing in your garden.  The kit contains the germination tray, soil and nutrients.  You must buy your own seeds.
Since the plants will be very small, I have elected to grow multiples of the same plant variety.  After they germinate I will combined the similar plants into one container to give it a stronger chance of survival.  I have elected to plant:  Nasturtiums, Italian Parsley, Sweet Basil and Thyme.  I have divided the tray into four equal quadrants for each plant variety.  If all of the seeds germinate, I will have 17 Italian Parsley seedlings, 17 Sweet Basil seedlings, 16 Thyme seedlings and 16 Nasturtium seedlings.  The seeds will germinate and be ready to plant in approximately 4-6 weeks.


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