Balcony Garden in Florida

Do you love plants, but don't have a yard? If you have a balcony or patio area, you can grow a beautiful container garden. The key is to select plants that will grow well in the conditions you have and respect their needs.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Green Jalepeno Peppers Ripening to Red

The Jalepeno plant in my garden has been very rewarding.  I have watched it grow into lovely white blossoms.
Inside the blossoms tiny green peppers emerged and grew larger.  I have eaten the green peppers in homemade chili and mexican dishes.  These are a great choice for a balcony or container garden, because a little goes a long way when cooking with hot peppers.  You don't need to use many, so you won't deplete your garden before they can replenish. 
This morning I noticed that some of my green peppers have matured into red peppers.
 At the top of the photo above you can see the green pepper.  Below that you'll find a pepper that is part green and part red.  This one is maturing.  The smaller peppers below have already turned red.  The peppers can be eaten when they are green and are very delicious.  The red ones provide a slightly sweeter taste.  Discovering the two colors is wonderful.  It is as if you are growing two different pepper varieties on one plant. 

Jalepeno peppers are so hot that some people experience a mild skin burn just from slicing them.  Pepper spray is made from hotter peppers than the jalepeno, but the principal is the same.  The seeds and juice contain an oil that can cause a mild burn the skin, eyes and nose.  If you experience a burning sensation after handling peppers, wash your hands immediately.  If this does not help, soak the skin in milk or another dairy product.  If you get it in your eyes, rinse with water and saline.

When eating foods with hot peppers, a glass of milk can tame the heat.  If you do not have milk, water is an excellent second choice.  Avoid drinking soda or other carbonated beverages when eating hot dishes.  The carbonation will only make the heat worse and will not provide relief from the heat.


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