Balcony Garden in Florida

Do you love plants, but don't have a yard? If you have a balcony or patio area, you can grow a beautiful container garden. The key is to select plants that will grow well in the conditions you have and respect their needs.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Hydroponic Seed Germination in the Aerogarden

I planted four varieties of seeds in the hydroponic Aerogarden:  Sweet Basil, Italian Parsley, Nasturtium and Thyme.  In order to increase the odds of germination, I planted several seeds in each pod.  This worked well for the smaller seeds, however Nasturtium seeds are unusually large so I was only able to plant one per pod.  Below are time lapsed photos of the seed germination in the herb garden.
Day 3.  Just three days after the seeds were planted I began to spot sprouting in most of the Sweet Basil and Thyme pods.  This is much sooner than predicted when planted in a traditional garden.
Day 6.  The Sweet Basil in the rear right and the Thyme in the front left have all sprouted and are showing significant growth in just 6 days.  We also begin to see a single shoot in one of the Nasturtium pods in the front right.
Day 8.  The sweet basil in the back has developed leafy foliage and is showing significant growth.  The thyme has sprouted many seeds in each pod and is growing taller.  There is now a second sprout in the Nasturtium pods in the front right.  The first nasturtium sprout, a late germinater, has grown taller than all of the other sprouts and has two large leaves.
    Day 10.  We now see Italian Parsley sprouting in the back left, with almost every pod germinated.  Many of the nasturtium seeds did not emerge.  I have decided not to waste the pods.  I planted some wildflower seeds I received as a promotional gift on earth day in the pods that did not sprout.


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