Balcony Garden in Florida

Do you love plants, but don't have a yard? If you have a balcony or patio area, you can grow a beautiful container garden. The key is to select plants that will grow well in the conditions you have and respect their needs.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

A New Lemongrass Plant

Lemongrass is an herb commonly used in Thai food.   It looks just like it sounds  It is a grass with a lemony flavor.  I recently received a new lemongrass plant as a gift and added it to my herb garden.
The flavor of this herb is in the grass.  Lemongrass is wonderful with fish.  Try tying several blades together with cooking string and placing them on top of fish as you grill, bake or broil.  You can also chop the grass into fine pieces and season your favorite Thai chicken dishes.  The flavor is crisp and lemony.    


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