Balcony Garden in Florida

Do you love plants, but don't have a yard? If you have a balcony or patio area, you can grow a beautiful container garden. The key is to select plants that will grow well in the conditions you have and respect their needs.

Friday, March 19, 2010

New Jalepeno Chili Pepper Plant

Jalepeno Chili Peppers can be grown in your balcony garden.  The jalepeno plant loves full sunshine and lots of water.  I've just added a new jalepeno pepper plant to my balcony herb garden.

When you see a bright white blossom on your chili pepper plant, you will soon have a bright green pepper.  In the photo below you will see white bell shaped flowers.  The flower will begin to brown and shrivel and a green pepper will grow from the flower head.  In the photo below you can see one flower has browned and a tiny green pepper is emerging from the center. 
The peppers will vary in size from 1-4 inches and can be picked when they turn a glossy green.  Peppers will darken and ripen to a bright red color.  In the photo below you can see some larger peppers growing on the vine.  These are all growing on my new jalepeno plant which is no more than three feet high.

When using the peppers slice in half, remove the stems and seeds and chop up to add a peppery kick to any mexican dish.  I love them in turkey chili and homemade guacamole.  I've read that it takes 3-4 months to grow a new crop of peppers.   I will be anxious to see how well the jalepeno plant does in my balcony garden.


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